Volunteer ID Badges are now MANDATORY for all volunteers of Menifee Pony to be on the field or in the dugout.
(click here to jump to 'Approved Volunteers' list)
A new volunteer form needs to be completed for each season a person wants to volunteer. A current Drivers License needs to be uploaded with each application. The certificates and LiveScans are good for as long as you are part of Menifee Pony. MPB reserves the right to require renewal of Concussion Course and Court Reporter Certifications, as well as the MPB DL Background Check. MPB reserves the right to refuse or revoke badges and approval at any time.
In cases of arrest history records coming back from the LiveScan DOJ background check, MPB has certain convictions that will result in automatic denial of MPB Badge and Volunteer status, and others others will be reviewed for approval or denial by our leagues legally authorized Custodian of Records. In all cases MPB reserves the right to make final decisions on Volunteer status. MPB also reserves the right to remove Approved Volunteer status from any MPB Volunteer. This may be due to the background check information, it may be because a problem or history of problems between the volunteer and our league.
IMPORTANT: Reasons you may not be on this list:
- We just haven't gotten to yours yet (check last-update time at top of list)
- Your teams manager hasn't added you to 'Team Volunteers List'. Ask the manager please, not us.
- DOJ hasn't approved your Live Scan (see 'VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS PAGE' for more info). Note: sometimes DOJ takes longer to process.
- You haven't uploaded YOUR DL (double-check for yourself on your Volunteer Form on your Account Page).
- Required Certification of Completion not uploaded (see 'VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS PAGE' for more info). Double-check for yourself on your Volunteer Form on your Account Page.
COACHES - up-to-four coaches, no more, can be in the dugout and/or on the field during any game, per league rules. In Filly, as many as the manager can use, as long as they meet all MPB Volunteer requirements.
TEAM PARENTS can sit in the dugout (one at a time) in all games in Filly, Shetland, Pinto-MP and Pinto-KP. TEAM PARENTS cannot help coach. To help coach, they must meet all requirements for a Coach badge. Team Parents badges are only given out thru Pinto-KP Division.
Noe Albarran, Coach |
Edwin Alcocer, Coach |
Kevin Alcocer, Coach |
Jerry Aldridge, Coach |
Cody Allen, Coach |
Greg Allen, Coach |
Brandon Amador, Coach |
Erin Amador, Team Parent |
Kurtis Anderson, Coach |
Tyler Andrews, Coach |
Miguel Angulo, Coach |
Gregory Anzures, Coach |
Jonathan Arredondo, Coach |
Ashley Atra, Team Parent |
Omar Atra, Coach |
Caleb Avellar, Coach |
Correy Baker, Coach |
Samuel Barwin, Coach |
David Bates, Coach |
Matthew Bates, Coach |
Tara Bates, Team Parent |
Briseida Bautista, Coach |
Elba Irene Blanco, Team Parent |
Louie Blanco, Coach |
Andrea Boas, Team Parent |
Devin Boas, Coach |
Amanda Bocanegra, Team Parent |
Mike Brady , Coach |
David Bratty Sr., Coach |
Karlton Bridgewaters, Coach |
Jordan Brittain, Team Parent |
Priscilla Brittain, Team Parent |
Christopher Brown, Coach |
Dana Buchanan, Board Member |
Meighan Buchwald, Board Member |
Jonathan Burge, Coach |
Chris Cabral, Coach |
Kirsten Cabral, Team Parent |
Christian Cabrera, Coach |
Richard Cabrera, Coach |
Danielle Canizales, Team Parent |
Humberto Cano, Coach |
Zoilo Carbajal, Coach |
Jennifer Casas, Team Parent |
Juan Casas, Coach |
Dominique Castillo, Board Member |
Ryan Castillo, Coach |
Sergio Centeno, Coach |
Adrian Cervantes, Coach |
Chad Chandler, Coach |
Lili Chavez, Team Parent |
Sarah Cisneros, Coach |
Timothy Clark, Coach |
Bradley Coger, Coach |
Kristen Coger, Team Parent |
Joshua Colantonio, Coach |
Dean Collins, Coach |
Amanda Coltharp, Board Member |
Mitchell Coltharp, Board Member |
Tood Cooney, Coach |
Rodrigo Cordova, Coach |
Vanessa Cordova, Coach |
Daryl Cranmer, Coach |
Anca Danciu, Team Parent |
Chanel Davenport, Team Parent |
Jared Davis, Coach |
Kail De Leon, Coach |
Crystal Delao, Team Parent |
Stephen Delao, Coach |
Miguel Desantiago, Coach |
Diego Diaz, Coach |
Jessica Directo, Team Parent |
Michael Directo, Coach |
Anthony Dominguez, Coach |
Jennifer Dominguez, Team Parent |
Evan Doverspike, Coach |
Roger Doverspike, Coach |
Coby Dreier, Coach |
Jonathan Eckrich, Coach |
Allan Elizondo, Coach |
Ramon Espinoza, Coach |
Amber Esponda, Team Parent |
Martin Esquivel, Board Member |
Kenneth Ferguson, Coach |
Ashleigh Ficklin, Team Parent |
Shane Ficklin, Coach |
Alexis Flores, Team Parent |
Armando Flores, Coach |
Blanca Flores, Team Parent |
Daniel Flores, Coach |
Kevin Flynn, Board Member |
Leah Flynn, Board Member |
Ken French, Coach |
Albert Gallegos, Coach |
Francisco Garcia, Coach |
Sonny Garcia, coach |
Daniel Garcilazo, Coach |
Christopher Genevay, Coach |
Dallin George, Coach |
Kacey Gerber, Team Parent |
David German, Coach |
Cameron Gillmore, Coach |
Krista Goddard, Team Parent |
Terry Goddard, Coach |
Bernadette Godinez, Team Parent |
Jesse Godinez, Coach |
Jorge Gomez, Coach |
Brandon Gonzalez, Coach |
Jorge Gonzalez, Coach |
Easton Good, Coach |
Adam Guerrero, Coach |
Cynthia Guerrero, Coach |
Lia Guerrero, Team Parent |
Jessica Hall, Team Parent |
Shaun Hall, Coach |
Kyle Hampton, Coach |
Michael Hanna, Coach |
Thomas Hays, Coach |
Christopher Henry, Coach |
Jessica Hernandez, Coach |
Francisco Hernandez Jr, Coach |
Chelsea Herrera, Coach |
Sean Howard, Coach |
John Hoyt, Coach |
Justin Hultquist, Coach |
Matthew Ixtlahuac, Coach |
Joel Jacobson, Coach |
## David Jaeger, Coach |
Claribel Jamani, Coach |
Kevin Johnson, Coach |
Randy Kasinger, Coach |
Mike Kennedy, Coach |
Travis Kerrick, Coach |
Joseph "austin" King, Coach |
Kenneth Klein, Coach |
Michael Knoerzer, Coach |
Nick Kokotas, Coach |
Kevin Kracy, Coach |
Jason Kyte, Coach |
Brian Ladd, Coach |
Madison Lang, Team Parent |
Zachary Lang, Coach |
Lindsay Lethe, Team Parent |
Joshua Liko, Board Member |
Kristyann Liko, Team Parent |
Logan Loomis, Coach |
Adan Lopez, Coach |
Valerie Anne Lopez, Team Parent |
David Lundberg, Coach |
Louis Manfredi, Coach |
Felicia Mantz, Team Parent |
Nora Marquez, Team Parent |
Sean Marshall, Coach |
Aaron Martinez, Coach |
Andrew Martinez, Coach |
Luis Martinez, Coach |
Megan Martinez, Team Parent |
Antionette Mata, Team Parents |
Anita Mayes, Coach |
James Mccain, Coach |
Courtney Medina, Team Parent |
Mark Medina, Board Member |
Daniel Mendez, Coach |
Christopher Mendoza, Coach |
David Mendoza, Coach |
Rudy Mendoza, Coach |
Griffen Merrill, Coach |
Clint Mihm, Coach |
Chris Miller, Coach |
David Miller, Coach |
Allen Miranda, Coach |
Hector Molina, Coach |
Julio Mondragon, Coach |
Jacob Montenegro, Coach |
Raymond Moon, Coach |
Andrew Moore, Coach |
Marissa Morales, Coach |
Monica Moran, Team Parent |
Kristen Morgan, Team Parent |
Hayley Munoz, Team Parent |
Nicholas Mushinski, Coach |
Mandy Naranjo, Team Parent |
Christian Nepomuceno, Coach |
Michael Noriega, Coach |
Brandon Opliger, Coach |
Chad Ouellette, Coach |
Rigo Padilla, Coach |
Victor Padilla, Coach |
Carlos Patino, Coach |
Mariana Patino, Team Parent |
Carlos Patino Jr, Coach |
Adrian Pavia, Coach |
John Perez, Coach |
Kurt Pickering, Coach |
Christopher Poirier, Coach |
Jenna Poirier, Coach |
Alexzander Ramirez, Coach |
Juan Ramirez, Coch |
Jorge Renteria, Coach |
Luz Renteria, Coach |
Nathan Reynolds, Coach |
Robert Riggs, Coach |
Scott Robinson, Coach |
Mark Robles, Coach |
Benjamin Rodriguez, Coach |
David Rodriguez, Coach |
Melissa Rodriguez, Team Parent |
Trevor Rodriguez, Coach |
Matt Roeda, Coach |
Carolina Romero, Team Parent |
Ruben Romero, Coach |
Fernando Romo, Coach |
Andrew Rondon, Coach |
Megan Ross, Coach |
Nicholas Rossi, Coach |
Stephanie Rossi, Team Parent |
Jacob Russo, Coach |
Carlos Sanchez, Coach |
Rudy Sanchez, Coach |
James Sanders, Coach |
Justin Sandvig, Coach |
Ashley Schneider, Team Parent |
Matthew Schumm, Coach |
Danny Serrano, Coach |
Amanda Shepherd, Coach |
Dmitry Shlafrok, Coach |
Scott Shores, Coach |
Candace Simpson, Board Member |
Tyler Sloan, Coach |
Kyle Staggs, Coach |
Ryan Sweeney, Coach |
Shanna Tackett, Board Member |
Briana Thornell, Team Parent |
Edward Thornell, Coach |
2025 Trejano, Coach |
Dennise Valdivia, Team Parent |
Carlos Valles, Coach |
Liliana Valles, Team Parent |
Ashley Varela, Team Parent |
Matthew Varela, Coach |
Tawnya Varela, Team Parent |
Bryant Verceles, Coach |
Robert Verlingo, Coach |
John Villafan, Coach |
Stella Villareal, Team Parent |
Luke Walkowiak, Coach |
Mathew Ward, Coach |
Ramon Webb, Coach |
Tammie Webb, Team Parent |
David Welch , Coach |
Jeff White, Coach |
Jennifer White, Team Parent |
Richard White, Coach |
Rick White, Coach |
Ryan Wiemann, Coach |
Brent Williams, Coach |
Kathryn Willis, Coach |
Kevin Willis, Coach |
Richard Willis, Coach |
Courtney Worden, Team Parent |
Joseph Yanni, Coach |
Jonathan Ybarra, Coach |
Christopher Zapata, Coach |
Lizzette Zapata, Coach |
Joe Zepeda, Team Parent |
CHAMPIONS will be notified elsewhere. Contact manager or team parent with questions. Manager or team parent, contact Champions Director with questions.